#Vastu For Home – Main Entrance

As asked in earlier blog let’s talk about Vastushastra origin. Vastushastra has been part of our indian culture from the ancient time. It has its origin in sthapatyaveda which is a part of Athrvaveda. Before we going further if you don’t know What is vastu then I would prefer you to read on this blog https://sanghicementarticle48.blogspot.com

Vastushastr has directions for doing correct vastu for all rooms in house. Now let’s start with the entrance. How entrance should be? This is most important prospect as all energies are coming and going form the entrance mostly. 

If you wish to have your main entrance in the south wall, then it is recommended to position your main door towards South-East direction.

If your desire towards your main entrance location is for North wall then it is preferable to place your entrance towards North-East direction. It helps to get morning fresh air and light in the house.

So this is same for the East wall also. Main entrance should be positioned in North-East direction.
And for West wall it is recommended to have in North-West direction and so is half west wall only.

There are other things which we need to keep in mind for our main entrance.

Ø  Our main entrance should be noise free while opening and closing.
Ø  Putting name plates on the entrance will help to get prosperity, wealth and happiness.
Ø  It should be above ground level.
Ø  It is recommended to have a stone or wood forming strip on the bottom of a doorway, it helps you to loss of Wealth.          
Ø  If you find any damaged to your door replace immediately as it will help from losing your respect and tough time.
Ø  Total windows and doors in the house should be in even numbers and should not end with 0.
Have you got any information which is out of your knowledge? Do you like to go further in this subject? Let’s talk on how should vastu for living room be? in our next blog.

 To be continued…


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Blog written by
Shruti Doshi
Technical Officer – Sanghi Cement & Blogger

Blog Managed by
Nirav Pandya
Digital Marketing Officer – Sanghi Cement
